bjwbell's Articles » Page 6
May 7, 2004 by bjwbell
I thought it was pretty cool one of the profesors at my school is conducting an experiment in decision making. And depending on you decisions you make different amounts of money. And got $40 not too shabby. It took around 2 hours so thats $20 an hour.
May 5, 2004 by bjwbell
I just took my complex analysis exam. It was a real exam. He put a derivation problem on it where you derive the generalized Cauchy-Goursat therom. Which was cool and he put a problem that we haven't covered in class. All in all it was a fun test. I felt like he really tested our knowledge to the limits. I hope other people besides me do well on it also. I've noticed that the people in this class are definitly smarter than the ones in my other classes.
May 4, 2004 by bjwbell
I gave my talk on computer graphics today. I don't think it went very well. But there where a couple of questions. The presentation was on the math behind 3D graphics so basically it was on using matrices to manipulate triangles. Projection of an object onto a 2D screen. And displaying 2D triangles. I wish I had used a couple more figures to illistrate projection. There where about 20 attended it was part of the series of talks organized by the math club. Most of the people whe...
May 4, 2004 by bjwbell
We got our score on the physics test today. I did fairly well at 38 out of 40 but only two other people passed. There's 8 people in our class so that's pretty bad. I have to say I'm disipointed in our class I thought the test was too easy did I mention you only needed 50% to pass. The teacher decided to give an optional take home exam that is due tomarrow at noon. So if you want to you can take the take home and turn it in. He'll then use the average of the two scores.
April 29, 2004 by bjwbell
I took the physics exam this morning I think he made it too easy. I would have had some stuff on angular momentum. I was talking to my linear algebra teacher and he was saying that he wasn't going to be able to cover all the stuff he wanted cause there was a group of 8 or so students that weren't keeping up. I think he should plunge ahead. I mean it's the students responseablity to study and do the homework so they keep up with the class. And the other students want to learn new material. ...
April 27, 2004 by bjwbell
Well I took my math test yesterday it went pretty good. But my pratice for a talk I'm giving next week was horrible. Now I have physics test the day after tomarrow. Which is going to be bad. I still don't really know the material. I'm just hoping to get a B. Other than that life is okay. The weather is getting pretty hot. Yesterday it was 96 or so. Today it was in the 90's again. That is too hot for april.
April 25, 2004 by bjwbell
I have an exam tomarrow homework due on tuesday and wednesday and an exam on thursday not to mentition a talk I'm giving next week. Needless to say I'm stressed. My physics is what I'm really nervious about. I still don't really understand it.
April 14, 2004 by bjwbell
I got KDE 3.2 working it turns out the problem was I wasn't exporting QTDIR so kde was using the wrong version of qt and some other stuff. But it finally works again. And in konqueror 3.2 displays correctly.
April 13, 2004 by bjwbell
I thought i would introduce myself since I have some time on my hands. I'm a college student, studing math and physics with a interest in computer graphics and well anything computer related. The title for my blog site stands for Computer Graphics and Mathmatics. Which pretty much sums up my current research interests. I'm currently a junior and plan to go onto grad school hopeful doing computer graphics research. I'm giving a talk to the math club this month on computer graphics so that...
April 13, 2004 by bjwbell
I thought i would introduce myself since I have some time on my hands. I'm a college student, studing math and physics with a interest in computer graphics and well anything computer related. The title for my blog site stands for Computer Graphics and Mathmatics. Which pretty much sums up my current research interests. I'm currently a junior and plan to go onto grad school hopeful doing computer graphics research. I'm giving a talk to the math club this month on computer graphics so that...
April 13, 2004 by bjwbell has some serious problems displaying with Konqueror 3.1. The joeuser logo fills up about one quarter of the middle top portion of the screen. Anyways I've been working on upgrading KDE to 3.2 and it has been quite a journey. The first time I did it worked great. I like the new features and everything. But then somehow KDE lost the icons for tons of stuff and other things went wrong. So I deleted everything hoping I could start anew. When the installation progran,konstruct, sta...
April 5, 2004 by bjwbell
Why I predict Kerry will lose. He doesn't have enough Charisma. This is what Kennedy had and Clinton had. That is a deciding factor for the midle third of the voting population. They vote for who they like personally and has charisma. I hate to admit it but lots of people are not very knowledgeable on politics they don't go out and search out info on the candidates they merely digest what the media gives them. And what this is is very little actual information and lots of sound bites with ...
April 5, 2004 by bjwbell
What defines a linux zealot? I'm and avid linux fan but I'm not a zealot. I've come to the conclusion that a linux zealot is someone who demonizes other operating systems windows in particular. Hence zealots are not good people to have in your community because they are negative all they can do is say negative things about windows most of which are untrue. If you think linux in general for desktop computers is superior to windows I'm sorry but your not seeing the same reality I'm seeing. In ...
April 5, 2004 by bjwbell
This isn't my first blog but hopefully it'l be my last. Time permitting I want post many interesting articles. So this is a big hi out to all you over Joeusers.