I've been reading some articles by Steve Sailer on race. He has some very good points that are politically incorrect stances on race and intelligence. In his opinion race is one determining factors of intelligence. That is why according to him the East Asian countries are developing but the sub-Saharan African countries are not. I don't agree with everything he says but I do believe the educationally level of a country can make develop of modern infrastructure and facilities infe...
I wish my parents would just LEAVE. My mom had a job teaching in Fairfield which is a town not far from Davis. So last year my parents and me and my sisters lived together. Me and my sisters HATED it. We are more than ready to NEVER live with our parents again. So school ended in June and she was not working again at Fairfield this year since the actual high school is really bad. Our parents were supposed to move back home but somehow they are down here in Davis, 6 days a week. They go home ...
I got an A+ in both Numerical Analysis(MAT128A and Advanced Calculus(MAT127C). I was the best student in both classes by a statically significant amount. In my Advanced Linear Algebra(MAT167) class I got an A. So overall I'm very happy since very few students take three summer classes at once and almost nonone get's more A+'s than A's !!!! My Advanced Linear Algebra was way too easy most of it was review I am still really fucking upset that we didn't cover the material more indepth since it ...
I don't know why but I seem to have a hard time making friends, last year I transferred to school I'm at and I've only made friends with two or three students. One of them was an exchange student from University of Edinburgh, another is a physics student and I don't think he is very interested in staying friends now that we don't have classes together and the other I'm afraid is a bit intimidated by my academic success. I've gotten to know my professors better than fellow students. I've been ...
I took my last two finals for summer school, I had enjoyable classes but I'm still glad I'm done . My advanced linear algebra was a dissapointment since it was mostly review of the stuff from my first linear algebra course (: anyways I hope I get all A's we'll see! I'm flying down to San Diego tonight to visit UCSD and help my uncle lay tile, I'll be coming back Thurday the 25th.
I took a quiz at QuzFarm on what type of person I am and shockingly I came up as Mathematical/Logical(I'm a math major) anyways here's the results You scored as Logical/Mathematical . You like to work with numbers and ask questions. You learn best by classifying information, engaging in abstract thinking and looking for common basic principles. People like you include mathematicians, biologists, medical technicians, geologists, engineers, physicists, researchers and other scienti...
I took a quiz at QuzFarm on what type of person I am and shockingly I came up as Mathematical/Logical(I'm a math major) anyways here's the results You scored as Logical/Mathematical . You like to work with numbers and ask questions. You learn best by classifying information, engaging in abstract thinking and looking for common basic principles. People like you include mathematicians, biologists, medical technicians, geologists, engineers, physicists, researchers and other scienti...
The Opportunist You show 31% mercy! Yep, that's right, You're in the 2nd category of 5, in terms of mercy. Knee deep in classlessness, you're the dude or lady who likes to watch shit go down, but who won't cause major pain. Mayhem, yes. YOu are significantly lower than average in mercy. My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender : You scored higher than 5% on mercy ...
The Opportunist You show 31% mercy! Yep, that's right, You're in the 2nd category of 5, in terms of mercy. Knee deep in classlessness, you're the dude or lady who likes to watch shit go down, but who won't cause major pain. Mayhem, yes. YOu are significantly lower than average in mercy. My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender : You scored higher than 5% on mercy ...
It's been a while since I've posted. I thankfully got all A's last quarter in Advanced Calculus, Data Structures and Algorithms, Eletricity and Magnetism, Math 180 special topics and Topology. My friend Ben who is Chinese is back in China for the summer I'm going to visit him in Edinburgh(He goes to school in Edinburgh) next September which will be cool since It'll be the first time I've been to Europe. My classes over the summer are Math 128A Numerical Analysis, Math 127C Advanced Cal...
Well my teachers were nice and gave my all A's, I got two A's and two A+'s. This quarter I'm taking 5 classes which is 19 units I hope I can handle the load. I was really pissed because part C of my partial differenctial equations was canceled but I still managed to get a good schedule. I'm taking math 127B Advanced calc, math 147 topology,math 180 special topics,physics 110B E&M and computer science 110 Data Structures and Algorthims.
Well the winter quarter is over and I got A's in Partial Differential equations and my Assembly language class. I don't know what I got in my physics class and my other math class but I didn't do very well on the finals so I might of gotten a B in one of them oh well. Overall it was a good quarter although I didn't study as much as I should have but it's all over now. I've been playing squash with my friend Ben which is fun since I really like the exersise. I'm on spring break now and I'm...
I got an A on my Real Analysis exam. But I then had a physics and computer science exams a couple of days ago. I think I did alright but it's hard to tell. Anyways I'm going crazy with more tests and homework due. I have another exam in Partial Differential Equations on monday and I have physics homework due on monday also. Then on tuesday I have a program due for my assembly language class. Also the grader for my partial differential equations homework took points off that they shouldn't ha...
The first test in my Real Analysis class was too easy. I think he should have made it a lot harder. He only had one proof out of the six problems. We didn't even prove any important theorems. Oh well. The topics are pretty hard but he only put the easy stuff on the test. In the class so far we've constructed the real numbers from the rational numbers by means of Dedekind cuts Link Then we covered Cauchy sequences and inner products etc. Other then that stuff I've been doing pretty good. I...
My winter break was pretty good. The only bad thing is I missed all the SNOW at home. Right after I left to come back to davis it snowed. I was pretty bummed because I haven't seen snow for a long time and I love snow. My new classes are all good this quarter is going to be harder than last quarter I think. It's pretty cool my real analysis teacher is from Australia you can check his website out at Link . The class is pretty hard. I had to discuss the homework problems with the teacher f...